The Libyan leader did not budge. While regular forces Libyan Sunday launched a violent offensive against the cities taken by the insurgents, Muammar Gaddafi repeated in an interview with FRANCE 24 broadcast Monday that the "crisis" through which his country is the result of "a conspiracy" orchestrated by the network of Al Qaeda. Affirming that Libya played a "vital role in regional and even global peace," he posed as a partner in the fight against international terrorism.
Muammar Gaddafi also condemned the interference of the international community, including France, which on Sunday welcomed the establishment of the Libyan national, established by the insurgency. "Really, it makes you laugh, this interference in the affairs of a country.It is as if we interfered in the affairs of Corsica or Sardinia ... "
"Al Qaeda has a plan," he accuses. I think that the terrorists of Al Qaeda have tried to take advantage of the situation in Tunisia, Egypt, but they were down in Libya. They are dormant cells who woke up and took up arms to kill members of the army, police. "
"We are partners in the fight against terrorism, says Muammar Gaddafi. There were armed Islamic extremists in Algeria, as there was in Iraq or Pakistan ... We are the same thing, we have armed factions who are fighting us.There was a resolution of the Security Council UN [against the Libyan regime, which includes an asset freeze of Libyan officials, ed], but ignored Al-Qaeda! "
"It makes you laugh the interference!"
If the Libyan League for Human Rights puts the figure of 6,000 deaths since the violence began in mid-February, Muammar Gaddafi admits that there were "hundreds" dead "on both sides, the side of Army and police and the rebels. "
However, it underlines the fact that the world has a picture "distorted" the situation there. "To my friends and the world, I say it is a distorted picture that was given to peaceful demonstrations.Several chains have manipulated the truth. Do not grow the business as if there was a big problem. (...) Now we open the doors to foreign journalists and we invite the world to open their eyes. "
And explain its view of the situation: "The bearers of weapons in Benghazi have no clear demands. In Benghazi is the revolution of 1 September [in reference to 1 September 1969, when Muammar Qaddafi overthrew King Idris I and proclaimed the Libyan Republic, ed]. We must get rid of people who are armed traitors. The people will look after them.In some areas, machine guns have been distributed and the population was able to block these terrorists. "
On his relations with the United States and the European Union, Gaddafi obvious astonishment. "It's strange, our relations were good. Perhaps there a security issue in the Mediterranean, to block emigration ... We also Libya major oil companies Spanish or French, and Suddenly these countries have forgotten the interests that are theirs. "